Shardlake Series Book2: Dark Fire [Paperback]
Shardlake Series Book2: Dark Fire [Paperback]
Автор: Sansom, C.J.
221 грн
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It's 1540, three years after Shardlake was commissioned by Cromwell to investigate the murders at Scarnsea monastery. It is the hottest summer of the sixteenth century. Shardlake is trying to keep a low profile, believing himself to be out of favour with Thomas Cromwell while at the same time maintaining his London-based legal practice. He has been pulled, against his better judgement, into defending Elizabeth Wentworth, charged with murdering her cousin. But Elizabeth refuses to plead either guilty or not guilty. The penalty for not pleading is to be crushed under a weight until you plead or die. Shardlake is powerless to help the girl yet she is suddenly granted a reprieve - courtesy of Cromwell. The cost of the reprieve to Shardlake is two weeks once again in the service of Cromwell. Cromwell, however, is no longer the triumphant, irresistible force he once was, not least because of the ill-fated marriage he arranged for the King with Anne of Cleves. Cromwell is running out of options, but he has one more card to play: Greek Fire, an ancient weapon considered lost long ago, which has turned up again in the hands of two alchemist brothers. This is the kind of gift to guarantee the King's favour, it is also the kind of gift that people kill for. . .
Англійська мова |
Вікова категорія
Дорослі |
Роман |
Sansom, C.J. |
PanMacmillan |
М'яка |
9780330546058 |
Кількість сторінок
608 |
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